cartoon Wolpertinger wearing a jacket. They say, 'How is it?
Not bad for mass produced merch for fictional environmental terrorists, eh?'


12,000 kilometers
between me

Perhaps I will set off
my carbon emission
from streaming on Netflix
again and
again and
by watching the Blu Ray on
lowest light settings.

If he admits
his childish desires,
He must understand
my love for him.

A 25-minute toy commercial
    describes the tragedies of war.
Billions of Yen
made from plastic robots
detail me the pain
         corruption causes.

It feels so genuine.
A Möbius loop of
environmental destruction

traps Hathaway.

and the sensitivity readers
fix Gundam Unicorn for TV.

    Hope shines eternal
   We can still break the circle.

sketchy rendition of Fuseli's Three Witches with Macbeth and Banquo


If the role of women is to provide for men
why not start with yourself?

Your children shall be kings?
You shall be king.

Be bloody, bold, and resolute. Laugh to scorn
The power of man, for none of woman born
Shall harm Macbeth.

Tolkien’s solution was simple
and so is mine.
I could be the man of man born
who shall harm Macbeth.

My noble partner
Banquo calls him.
Their sons shall be kings.

That will never be.
Macbeth today may fear
not the advance of woods
but their absence.


I suppose the conflict of interest has been built into Gundam from the beginning. The toy company sponsors made the creative team who just wanted to tell a story about war write about cool robots.

Or so the story goes. I have incredible difficulties telling the robots apart from each other, but I remember several scenes that outright implied it is more economical to sustain humanity on a plant-based diet. And then went nowhere with it.

The least serious spin-offs about a toddler prince Garma Zabi imply it just as much as the population on Mars in Iron Blooded Orphans does. On a large scale it simply makes more sense to feed people with plants. Botanical researcher and ecoterrorist Hathaway Noa is clearly not as drawn to steak as whimsical Gigi. Am I supposed to read into this?

discord message that reads 'YEA i really have started to understand that the reason i like 'media' is because its a mirror into parts of the world i would not know to look for otherwise. instead of like a fake place thats more interesting/good to escape to.'


The first time I felt like I recognized my niche speech related anxiety disorder was watching Tsuritama about a year after it came out. Before that the idea of a “fishing anime” did not seem appealing to me. I still think it is hardly a selling point.

The main character’s anxiety is visualized by flooding his surrounding space with water, making it seem like he is suffocating. The other characters, of course, do not see this. It is only Yuki and the viewers who know he is drowning. In-universe onlookers, instead, merely perceive a demonic face.

I always have conflicting feelings about representation. Of course, we cannot expect mainstream media to represent our problems away. But the nature of a speech related anxiety disorder that makes you unable to speak up in stressful situations is, of course, that you cannot tell people what is going on

in stressful situations.

It is like explaining drowning to someone who does not know water.


AIs can make art now
As convincing as a Kinkade painting.
It will be the death of art
or so I’ve heard.

Synapses trained on
who knows whose creations
have more soul to me
than the corporations
monopolizing their data
which says as little
as the art does to you.